A Night Out With Sexual Chocolate

I thought I’d repost this field report by Vann Vinuzzio because it’s the typical experience for anyone new to the game who goes out with me.  Hopefully you can learn something for it.  Leave a comment and tell me what you think.

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This post is regarding my night out on saturday night (05/08/10)

This night was a very uncommon night for me. It was out of my element for several reasons and affected my performance which is actually a great lesson for myself to adapt to different situations in order to be the best I can be. The situations should unveil themselves as you read along.

Sarging site that night was Club Red in Newport Beach which was a club that I’ve never been to. Actually, I’ve never really been to an O.C. crowd club ever so that was the first new element I had to encounter and that was just the beginning.

I hooked up with my wing, Sexual Chocolate, who I’ve never sarged with before (second new element.) I initially met Sexual Chocolate at the last Hypnotica seminar where he was doing the recording for An Evening with Hypnotica pt 2 and added him on facebook. To be honest, There was a tad of performance anxiety since I found out the week before that he’s gotten recognition as “rising new blood” in the pua summit and I was concerned that he might not want to go sarging with me once he sees my level of performance. Mind you that I am just a few months into this community and never even picked up a napkin in a club prior to that.

“Do you see anything you like yet?” he asks me after a few minutes of joining him. “Yeah, a lot!” I respond. He tells me “So pick something and make something happen.” I was being honest with him and told him that I’d go for anything, considering where I am in the game. “You need to have some standards!” he said followed by something I didn’t take into my calculations up and till then. “It’s a whole different game going for a 4 than a 10. Might as well hone your skill set gaming 10s rather than 4s.” Once he said that, I thought of the night before where I was at Club Kress in Hollywood and there was this Pillsbury Dough-Toad that my buddy Smacks was “practicing” on and there was no real effort on our part. I mean, I wasn’t even giving a damn and she would kiss me on the cheek. It could’ve turned to an effortless lay if we wanted to but her friends came to “save her.” Honestly I don’t know if I could’ve even gotten it up for her. That comment he said sure goes a long way for me.

I told Sexual Chocolate that one of my main sarging areas at a club is the smoking patio since there’s not much noise and I can open an entire set and keep them engaged so no one has to go “saving” their girl-friends. Into the smoking patio we go but alas, the patio is indoor style with speakers blaring. “Dammit! My one crutch is gone. Guess that’s a good thing to push me out of my comfort zone” (Element 3)

“Do you open directly or indirectly?” he asks me. “Always indirect.” I respond and he suggests I should go ahead and give direct openers a go. I didn’t even know what to say directly. It’s that bad. He told to me to just say “hey you guys look cute and I wanted to say hi.” He points out a two-set of mid-eastern looking girls. Both were simply beautiful. One had her hair lightened to a dark caramel-tone with big hazel eyes while the other one had black hair and I just walked up and did my thing. “Hey, you guys look cool. Thought I’d say hi” they respond nicely, we exchange names and talk for a bit. In a few minutes they ask me who I’m here with so I wave for my wing to come by and we talk for quite some time. I don’t usually linger that long with sets. We find out that one was armenian and the other was Iraqi and they’re both lawyers.

I was so out of my element that I didn’t throw any disqualifiers, DHV stories, fun sound bites or anything like that. I tried to be playful when one of them asked me what I did for a living I decided to go with The VA’s Absurd humor by saying that I sell pre-shrunk jack-o-lanterns to vampire midgits with learning disabilities. Her response wasn’t really positive plus she didn’t try to inquire what I did for a living after that. Even worse, I think she told her friend that she doesn’t know what I do because I gave a bull shit answer. That did not fly well. So most of the time we were all just asking random questions to each other. Sexual Chocolate didn’t want to dominate the interaction considering it was my set but when he was interacting with one of the girls he definitely was getting her to smile and laugh and was calm and composed. Long story short, after all’s said and done I tried to time bridge to the next week for a hike to the water fall at angeles crest and handed them my phone to put in their number. They found my attempt laughable. One said flat out no and the other one said she’ll get my number so she “can have the option.” It was about midnight when they evaded by saying they’re tired and were heading home. An hour later, my wing points them out where one of the girls was in the arms of another guy who was pure alpha in his interaction and she was putty in his arms. He grinded with her, had his head close to hers and might’ve been kissing her where I would haven’t noticed because I didn’t want to look obvious. He later grabs her by the hand and moves her out of the smoking patio and she goes willfully. That’s the alpha-dominance Sexual Chocolate was trying to relay to me throughout the night. Lesson SO learned!

The rest of the night I was opening whatever I can find and getting blown out. We ended up sitting at this section that was reserved for Latin, whom I met for the first time and his boy Dru. Latin was celebrating his birthday with one of his girlfriends and a group of girls. That was social proof at work. Latin got to share with me his tale and his world views and how he believed in me and sees expects be guru-status in a couple of years to where I will be teaching this stuff. I don’t know if he was the intuitive or was trying to invigorate me after a night of slim pickin’s but it was nevertheless comforting to have support from a fellow brother. I got his facebook contact and left the club upon closing.

I got a lot out of it and don’t regret it. Sexual Chocolate said things within the lines of:

“Rejection is a good thing. The more I get rejected, the more I will get laid.”

Mind you guys that all my quotes are botched-up versions of what I can recall.

I need to be more alpha
I need to be more playful and fun
I need to be more sociable with everyone
I need not to lose sight of my routines just because I was out of my element
I need to maneuver my way around shit tests more cleverly and playfuly

I have got to continue to go out
I have got to continue to opening sets
I have got to continue to bring new people into my life

I have got to stop taking myself too seriously
I have got to stop getting intimidated by hot-sets or my wings. At the end of the day it’s my development on the line and no one else’s.
I have got to stop getting caught up in my own headspace.

Thanks to Latin and Sexual Chocolate for being there in my time of growth
And I know, I will keep my reports shorter next time 😀


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