More On Dance Floor Tactics

For the last month I’ve been keeping an eye on what happens around me when I get on the dance floor. Last week when I was out with a wing and we got pulled on the dance floor by a real cutie.

My wing and I are always coming off as fun, outgoing guys and oftentimes in our own world. This seems to create attention and attraction from women immediately around us. That, eye contact and good BL seemed to get the cutie to ask me to the dance floor.

While on the dance floor I started doing some oldschool moves as demonstrations for the group I was dancing with and trying to get them to do them as well. Basically acting silly and demonstrating that I have some moves.

I noticed other women around us with other guys checking us (guys) out with “the look” and a smile on their faces. You know that look of “if I wasn’t sitting here with this guy and if you came to talk to me I’d give you a shot.”

My wing has told my many times that my dancing ability is a DHV. I’ve never really taken it seriously, but my attitude is changing.

Will Smith had a record back in the day about dumb dancing. It was basically about making fun of current dance trends, acting stupid, having fun, being in your own world, and not caring what anyone else thinks around you. I use to do this back in the day and as I think back to it, it created attraction without saying a word. I just didn’t have all the inner game back then to jump on the opportunities.

I’ve also battled people playfully while on the dance floor. This gets attention and everyone around starts watching, looking and smiling. But if you battle, you better be good or be funny. I’m gonna start booty bumping and battling women.

Peace out!

Staring Contest for Attraction & Connection

I use this as an “ADD Test.” When a girl seems to be all over the place I tell her that I’m going to give her “The A.D.D. Test.”

I tell her that she has to look me dead in the eye until I count to 10. If she looks away at any time, that means she has A.D.D. They always think this test is soooo simple that they jump at the chance to prove they don’t have A.D.D.

We look each other dead in the eye and I say “Ok, ready?…. One…” I never say another word until she bust up asking me when I’m going to say two.

Verbal Escalation

This is a theory that I am considering building into more of a step-by-step strategy for others.

One of the things that wings I’ve hung out with have trouble with is the whole concept of taking the conversation with a woman from a mild nature… to a sexual nature. For me it’s been fairly easy because I’ve always been able to bring up topics that hook women into talking about sex FIRST. This is a key factor for me because once they bring up sex, the doors fly wide open for me to be able to talk about it. Because their minds go there first, they can’t accuse me of being the only one who wants to fuck.

One of the best ways I’ve been doing this lately in the comfort phase is with The Question Game. It’s so easy to get her talking about sex and as a result get her aroused. I start out with mild questions and then steadily escalate the questions to a sexual nature.

Here are the questions (in escalating order) I’ve been using:
“If my friends were coming over for dinner, what kinds of things would you cook to impress them?”
“What’s a secret that you haven’t told any of your friends or few of them know about?”
“If you could change something about yourself physically, like wake up the next morning and it’s changed, what would it be?”
“If you could wake up tomorrow with one thing in your life changed, what would it be?”
“What’s the most meaningful compliment you’ve ever gotten?”
“What the worst insult you’ve ever gotten?”
“What’s the sexiest food for a date?”
“What’s your favorite body part on a guy / girl?”
“What do you think about the male body hair? Shave, wax, or trim?”
“Which do you prefer; a thong, g-string, or granny panties?”
“What’s the sexiest piece of clothing you own?”
“What is your most erogenous zone? Ears? Knees? Thighs?”
“How old were you when you lost your virginity?”
“Have you ever had a one-night stand?”
“What would give you more pleasure, feathers or ice?”
“Have you ever been with a girl?”
“Have you ever gone down on a girl?”
“Where’s the craziest / exciting place you’ve had sex? (Besides your ass.)”
“Where do you most fantasize about having sex in the future?”
“Do you like being dominant or submissive?”
“What’s your favorite position?”
“Are you a moaner or a screamer?”
“Have you ever had a squirting orgasm before?”
“Do you like dirty talk, small talk, or no talking at all?”
“What’s is the one sexual fantasy that you think about the most?”
“Would you like to kiss me?”