FR: The Power of “Working the Room”

The longer you stay in “the game” the more you learn from your experience and from other people. The more you learn, the more you forget because you get complacent and want to try other things. I was listening to some of Ratisse’s stuff yesterday and last night I went back to “working the room” early on in the night and rediscovered its power.

For me, some nights I can just sit around and not talk to anyone because these days I only approach women I’m attracted to.  This tends to lead to having a boring time and the feeling of wasting your night.

In my Casanova Crew talk I said that sometimes random stuff happens when you meet a lot of people in the venue. Last night was no different. I didn’t have any kind of bathroom pull or SNL, but I did make out with a girl in one of the groups, had another in the same set stroking my face while she was telling me the story about meeting and having a huge crush on Rich Fox, and I also got numbers from a few other girls in other groups.

So work the room when you first get into a venue and try to make new friends. If you’re not comfortable doing it at first, keep playing the “video game”. You’ll get better at it I promise.
