How To Gain Up To 18 Pounds Of Muscle In Only 4 Weeks While Only Working Out Once A Week

masscontractionI first heard about this revolutionary muscle building system from Tony Robbins. He’s always looking for the cutting edge with anything the does. At first I didn’t believe it was possible to build muscle only working out once per week. But after I read about the research they conducted in the book I was fully convinced.

You can actually gain more lean muscle mass working out only once per week than someone who spends 2 or more days per week in the gym. It has to do with proper overload of the muscles (Max Contraction) and the proper recovery time. And there is a proper proportion between the two.

I read a post a while back from Matador (from VH1’s “The Pickup Artist” show) who tracked his workout progress and said that at a certain size he got immediate attraction and better initial responses from women. He also said that at a certain one point when he got too big the attraction tapered off, girls started considering him a meat-head, so he slimmed down.

In fact, “The Adonis Method” talks about the proper proportion of the male body (between waist, shoulders, and hight) that is the most attractive to women.

I’m gong to try this system and see what happens. I’m hoping a few guys will try it along with me and swap feedback.

If you’d like to gain as much muscle mass possible, with as little effort as possible, check out the books below.


What I Learned From Johnny Soporno

Here is what I learned from Johhny Soporno during his “How To Pickup A Porn Star” weekend in Vegas:

  • Porn stars don’t just want a guy who can fuck. They want a guy who is sensual as well.
  • Johhny’s tactic for immediately spotting women who are down for same night lays.
  • Slut vs. Whore (low-class and high-class) that is great for sexual framing. (I used what little of it I could remember and it worked like a charm.)
  • How to free yourself from jealousy.
  • Man does that guy have A.D.D.! He freely admits it too.

I’m thinking about doing live teleseminars in the future and having guests on so guys can get their questions answered by expert dating coaches on the call. Maybe I’ll try to get Johnny on to talk about the stuff above. 

CLICK HERE to leave a comment and let me know what you think of this idea.