Verbal Escalation

This is a theory that I am considering building into more of a step-by-step strategy for others.

One of the things that wings I’ve hung out with have trouble with is the whole concept of taking the conversation with a woman from a mild nature… to a sexual nature. For me it’s been fairly easy because I’ve always been able to bring up topics that hook women into talking about sex FIRST. This is a key factor for me because once they bring up sex, the doors fly wide open for me to be able to talk about it. Because their minds go there first, they can’t accuse me of being the only one who wants to fuck.

One of the best ways I’ve been doing this lately in the comfort phase is with The Question Game. It’s so easy to get her talking about sex and as a result get her aroused. I start out with mild questions and then steadily escalate the questions to a sexual nature.

Here are the questions (in escalating order) I’ve been using:
“If my friends were coming over for dinner, what kinds of things would you cook to impress them?”
“What’s a secret that you haven’t told any of your friends or few of them know about?”
“If you could change something about yourself physically, like wake up the next morning and it’s changed, what would it be?”
“If you could wake up tomorrow with one thing in your life changed, what would it be?”
“What’s the most meaningful compliment you’ve ever gotten?”
“What the worst insult you’ve ever gotten?”
“What’s the sexiest food for a date?”
“What’s your favorite body part on a guy / girl?”
“What do you think about the male body hair? Shave, wax, or trim?”
“Which do you prefer; a thong, g-string, or granny panties?”
“What’s the sexiest piece of clothing you own?”
“What is your most erogenous zone? Ears? Knees? Thighs?”
“How old were you when you lost your virginity?”
“Have you ever had a one-night stand?”
“What would give you more pleasure, feathers or ice?”
“Have you ever been with a girl?”
“Have you ever gone down on a girl?”
“Where’s the craziest / exciting place you’ve had sex? (Besides your ass.)”
“Where do you most fantasize about having sex in the future?”
“Do you like being dominant or submissive?”
“What’s your favorite position?”
“Are you a moaner or a screamer?”
“Have you ever had a squirting orgasm before?”
“Do you like dirty talk, small talk, or no talking at all?”
“What’s is the one sexual fantasy that you think about the most?”
“Would you like to kiss me?”

Dancefloor Tactics

I disagree with people who say avoid the dance floor. This comes from 15+ years of experience in clubs.

The dance floor can be a great place to show a girl what you’re working with. (If you know what I mean.) However, you don’t want to stalk the dance floor to find a victim that you can go up behind and dry hump her ass. This is chode dance floor behavior and it’s very pervasive these days. (If I see you doing this… I’ll bitch slap you myself.)

What’s better is if you ask a girl to dance (whether you’ve met her already or not), take her by the hand, and LEAD her to the dance floor. It’s always best for the dance floor to be packed so the two of you can get very close and personal. There’s no need to bust out the latest version of the runningman. Moving side to side with you head bobbing up and down is sufficient. You can get close, back away, put your hands around her waist, push her away, put your arms on her shoulders… mix it up. Get close, back up, let her come to you, etc. I’ve done this for literally hours, got women so hot because of the sexual nature of the dancing, and then created that connection that lead to a kiss, a phone number or an extraction.

One good thing about the dance floor is, because the music is so loud sometimes, you don’t have to say a damn thing. You can let the non-verbal communication of your body do all the talking for you.

The dance floor can be a great place for the first kiss. When you’re bodies are pressed up close to each other, you’ve got your arms around her and you’re slowly moving together, press your cheek against hers for about 30 seconds. Then slowly brush you lips from her cheek to her lips and see if she backs away or keeps her lips lightly touching yours. don’t kiss her yet. You can use this to tease her by not going for the kiss for a while. Just look into her eyes. It creates a lot of anticipation and sexual tension, but you have to be congruent with it. When you’re ready, go for the kiss.

Once you have built the attraction through dancing, you have to isolate her to build comfort. If you don’t you risk being another horny, sleazy guy or her getting pulled away by a cockblocker.

I did it this weekend and pulled a girl to her house. I danced, isolated and built comfort, danced (kissed her on the dance floor), isolated and built more comfort, and then extracted.

Let me say it again, you need to build comfort too if you’re going to build attraction on the dance floor. Dance floor game is like being cocky & funny. It’s a great attraction builder, but it won’t necessarily get you laid and/or a girlfriend all by itself.