I Number Close My First Model

Today, I hung out with Robhay for a bit in Beverly Hills before I had to attend a meeting. As I’m getting ready to leave, a gorgeous girl with long brown hair strolls by so I had to go after her. Hanging out with other guys who are equally motivated to do daygame will definitely get your ass in gear.

I ran up, went direct, and then complimented her on her sexy walk. She said maybe it’s because she does some modeling. Of course I acted like that didn’t phase me one bit.

image She had the kind of manicured nails that I absolutely hate though. When I see women with them, it kind of turns me off. Maybe it’s just me but they look too vampire-ish and what Cruella de Vil from “101 Dalmatians” would wear.

Anyway, it turns out she’s out shopping to get her mind off the fact that her ex-boyfriend just dumped her the day before on New Year’s Day because she wasn’t Jewish. Like the saying goes “for every hot girl there’s a guy who’s tired of fucking her”.

30-Day Daygame Challenge – Week 4

Day 25

Hung out with the Egyptian girl and felt her amazing fake breasts. (5 points)

Day 28

Approached a blonde who looked Russian but wasn’t. She said people have told her she looks like a spy. The convo really didn’t go anywhere after that. (2 points)

Hit up a short brunette that turned out to be married. When I asked her if she had any cute single friends she said I should try the singles group at her church. I don’t know about that because I might corrupt someone. (2 points)

Saw a tall, really cute brunette with a rock on her finger (obviously married) so I decided to play some referral game. When I asked her where I should go to meet attractive women like her she said she’s in grad school and I should hit up Chapman University. (2 points)

2 random approaches. (2 points)

Day 29

Hit Main Place Mall in Santa Ana. You’d think a mall with lots of Mexicans in a town inhabited by lots of Mexicans would have a fair amount of hot Latinas running around. That was not the case. Couldn’t find anything worth approaching.

F-closed the Egyptian with the best set of fake boobs I’ve seen in a long time in the back seat of her new Lexus. My first “street to bedroom” lay. I could have done it before in Croatia but I didn’t push it enough. I’m still in contact with her to this day, years later, so it may still happen. (10 points)

Day 30

Stopped an Asian girl at The Spectrum with great legs who had a boyfriend. Not a attractive as I thought so I didn’t push through. (2 points)

It started raining so I went to South Coast Plaza and met up with Robhay, Asian Fondue, and a new guy.

Approached a Hispanic girl shopping in Zara while waiting for her boyfriend buying a shirt. (2 points)

Day 31

Driving back from L.A. running some errands I saw a stunning Hispanic girl cross Pico Blvd. and dash into the Westside Pavillion so I decided to go in to try to find her. No luck.

However, I approached a Sicilian girl with a fantastic ass who looked half black and half white with long curly blonde hair. She said she was “taken”. (2 points)

A couple random approaches to test age. (2 points)

I’ll see the Egyptian tonight for a NYE party but it’s likely nothing will happen until after midnight so it won’t count for the challenge.

I end the last week of this 30-day dagame challenge with 31 points. It’s been a really good experience and we’ll likely do it again with a little higher level of difficulty.

30-Day Daygame Challenge – Week 3

Day 17

Hit up Hollywood & Highlands with Robhey and then The Grove alone.

Approached a redhead who wasn’t single (2 points)

Approached my first 2 set doing dagame that were Russians who are estheticians.  I think they may have secretly been strippers. (2 points)

Saw a sexy blonde carrying a huge Crate & Barrel package.  Went situational. (1 point)

Day 20

Hit The Spectrum with Jimmy Xeno, Ramsey, and a new wing Asian Fondue. It was cold as shit! What men will do for some tale.

Curly-haired Egyptian looking woman. Cold and bitchy. Wouldn’t even stop. (1 point)

Number closed a long-haired woman who looked part Indian (not the native American kind) who worked across the street and was shopping for her boss. She was hesitant in giving me her number because she said she works a lot and never has time to go out, but I convinced her otherwise. (3 points)

Used the “Band of Brothers” opener on a young bowlegged girl for Jimmy who was wearing super short athletic shorts with a serious gap between her legs. (2 points)

Woman who looked like she’d had a bit too much cosmetic surgery who likes to hang out in Newport Beach. Her look and lifestyle was not for me. (2 points)

Brunette with an arm full of bags with a sultry walk. She said I made her day with my compliment but had a boyfriend. (2 points)

Curly-haired girl down from Whittier just to buy a coffee grinder from a store that is only located in The Spectrum. Said she was taken. (2 points)

Typical SoCal girl who lives in Laguna Niguel. Not my type and in a rush. (2 points)

Rude blonde who just said “No” to my opener and walked off. (1 point)

Asian girl too young for me. (1 point)

Another Asian girl with a really nice ass who also turned out to be too young for me. The couple in front of her turned around when I delivered my opener, so I included them in it. (1 point)

Day 21

Out with Asian Fondue at South Coast Plaza. I’m really disappointed at the quantity of attractive women there.

The first and only set of the day I number closed a really attractive Egyptian girl from Huntington Beach. She told me I was cute too, which made my day after the harsh blowout yesterday. (3 points)

Day 22

Once again Jimmy Xeno, Asian Fondue and I hit The Spectrum to seek out unsuspecting women doing their last minute Christmas shopping.

Approached a girl with dyed red hair with an amazing body for Jimmy Xeno using the Band of Brothers opener. The second sentence out of her mouth was “I’m 17.” A little more chit chat and had to move on. (2 points)

Approached a Spanish woman with gorgeous long, curly hair from San Diego by opening with a question to screen her first. Wasn’t really feeling her. (1 point)

Had a Day 2 with the Egyptian girl from the day before. She turned out to be hotter than I thought. Her body is amazing! (5 points)

Day 23

This does not count for the challenge, but I had a SNL last night with a brunette Australian flight attendant after going to a gay bar with Jimmy Xeno and a few kids from film school.  After the club closed and Jimmy and the gang left, I saw her sitting on the ground out front of the building and engaged her in convo.  Her and her 3 other co-workers needed a ride to their hotel so I obliged.  After her co-workers went in, we started kissing in the car, she invited me up, I give her 2 orgasms with “the claw”, we knocked some boots, we fell asleep, and then the phone kept ringing.  I asked her if she wanted me to answer it and she said yes.  I figured it might be one of her co-workers needing to tell her something but it wasn’t.  The first time I said “hello” there was silence.  I said it again and a guy asked to speak to her. Turns out it’s her ex-boyfriend she’s been trying to get to marry her for the last 4 years.  Oops.  You shouldn’t have told me to answer the phone woman.

So for the next half hour I lay there listening to her lie to him about having sex with me and justifying why it was okay to have a naked man laying next to her since he wouldn’t put a ring on her finger, wouldn’t get her pregnant, and has been fucking other chicks since March.

Sometimes women just need to get their fuck on too.

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I end the week with 33 points.